purging disorder

2 Handy Tips to identify purging disorder in your loved ones

iousHave you ever seen people purging right after eating food? If yes then do ask them to consult some experienced doctors as it is a serious medical condition called purging disorder that needs an immediate medical care. I know it very well as once I was also suffering from this ailment and my life was badly affected.

According to the (verywellmind.com ),when a person purges but does not binge, he or she is said to have a purging disorder. It is a kind of eating problem. People often compare it with bulimia nervosa.

Vomiting is the primary method of purging in the affected people . However, laxative and diuretic abuse are also widespread. Some people substitute eating with other behaviors, such as intense fasting and overzealous activity.

In addition to purging this condition also involves misuse of diet pills, and diuretics. But before considering its cure do get complete information about the purging eating disorder. Please keep reading as we have discussed some important tips to identify whether you have this disorder or not.

How to Identify Purging disorder

Here are some of the most common indications to identify the Purging eating disorder

Compensatory Behaviors in Purging Disorder

Patients often take compensatory actions  frequently . The purging disorder is directly related to shame and self-loathing, just as other eating disorders.The affected people frequently withdraw during and after meals, avoiding gatherings with friends or large gatherings where they would not be able to purge after eating anything.

Compensatory behavior might develop into an addiction. Self-inflicted vomiting alters brain chemistry by increasing endorphins and decreasing serotonin levels.Those who have a purging disorder may try to duplicate the euphoria created after eating. A person might find it challenging to stop using laxatives if their body has grown dependent on them for bowel movements.

Psychological and Physical Signs

Physical side effects of purging are numerous and quite evident. These include organ damage, electrolyte imbalance, and dehydration. Self-inflicted vomiting can also result in dental issues, throat swelling, and broken blood vessels in the face and neck. Abuse of laxatives can cause constipation, chronic diarrhoea, or rectal bleeding without the use of laxatives.

Purging has detrimental psychological impacts because it is addictive and can turn into an obsession. Patients use different types of purging to deal with out of control behavior or to reduce anxiety, but it surely worsens both over time.These side effects, which include irritation, mood fluctuations, and heightened anxiety, are comparable to those of other eating disorders, especially when the person is unable to engage in actions.

Those who are struggling are frequently duped by eating disorders into thinking that their habits are the only thing keeping them afloat. In fact, compensatory behaviors such as disordered eating can isolate a person and make their co-occurring mental health disorders worse. Self-induced vomiting can directly contribute to depression and anxiety by altering brain chemistry.

What to do next?

Family members and friends must understand the situation when their loved one is struggling with purging disorder. They have to keep an eye on the patient and observe his/her behaviors .Moreover; they have to make sure that they are handling situation delicately. Therefore avoid shaming patients for their actions as that will make them feel worse about themselves and drive a wedge between affected person and loved ones.

Many people are reluctant to accept that their disordered behaviors are a problem, both to themselves and to others. They think their eating disorders are helping them but that is not the case. Therefore, family and friends should guide patients to consult a good specialist to get the best advice as soon as possible .


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