binging and purging

Top 5 ways to avoid binging and purging

An excessive increase of anything causes a reaction in the opposite direction.”



Binging means to indulge in an activity, especially eating, drinking or drug usage, to excess. It is an act of excessive or compulsive consumption (such as food). Examples include eating binge, drinking binge etc.

 Types of binging

People can binge on different kinds of food. Typically high-fat and high-carbohydrate foods are used. These binge foods include:

  1. Bread
  2. Candy
  3. Cake
  4. Chocolate
  5. Cookies
  6. Cereal
  7. Ice cream
  8. Pizza

Those people who are specially concerned about body weight, are likely to binge on these types of food probably because of their ‘forbidden nature’ .


Purging means purification or cleansing of body. In this context it will be used as voluntary purification or cleansing of body from the food consumed, as soon as it is consumed.

Does someone around you indulge themselves in binging or purging?

Here, in this article, I’ll be telling you about this habit and effective ways of avoiding it.

Types of purging

There are several types of purging where people use different ways to attempt to remove food from their body as soon as it is consumed. These ways include self-induced vomiting, using supplements or laxatives etc.

  1. Self-induced vomiting

This is one of the most common ways of purging. The person stimulates the gag reflex by putting their fingers down their throat, drinking salty water or using a substance to cause vomit. It is very harmful and causes damage to the digestive system. It could cause cuts or bruises on throat along with swelling of throat and face.

  1. Self-induced diarrhea

Self-induced diarrhea is another form of purging. It is caused by the use of laxatives to clear out the digestive system. It is harmful to the digestive system and can cause severe dehydration. The overuse of laxatives could also cause constipation in the long run.

  1. Excessive exercise

Excessive exercise regardless of any other factor like weather, body health and strength etc, is another way to purge. Exercise, although considered healthy, would prove to be harmful and dangerous, if done excessively. People don’t take important supplements and nutrients and so cause a lot of imbalances to their bodies.

These are some ways used by people who purge.

Binging and purging

The binge-purge cycle is a pattern of emotions, feelings, thoughts and behaviors’ that seem impossible for someone with bulimia to stop.

Every binge cycle has a triggering event or series of events that cause the cycle to occur. Emotions such as sadness, loneliness, guilt, helplessness or hopelessness are identified by many people as triggers of a binge cycle.

Purging becomes a way of getting rid of negative feelings (physical and emotional). Some people have one binge or purge episode and then face calm for a long time. But some people may binge or purge multiple types before stopping.

5 ways to avoid binging and purging

There are ways to avoid the habit of binging and purging. These ways and ideas may be able to help you stop the cycle and get positive coping skills. These ways include the following:

1)Using distractions

After meals or during a triggering event it is most likely for a person to binge/purge. They’ll probably look for ways or opportunities to be able to do it.

During this time distracting yourself may prove to be effective in avoiding binging/purging successfully.

One could distract themselves through a number of ways. These ways include talking to someone,  distracting yourself with a funny movie, sitcom or show, playing games or reading books.

2)Seeking help or support

Seeking help and support from loved ones would help avoid binging and purging. You don’t even have to talk about what you’re going through. Taking help and love of those around you would strengthen you and make it possible for you to end this binging/purging cycle.

Apart from loved ones, seeking help from medical and health professionals is necessary to help avoid binging and purging. Seeing a dietician, seeing a psychiatrist and a doctor would make it easier for you to recover quickly.

3)Taking care of yourself

An important skill of recovery is to take care of yourself. It is a whole process and it takes time to become effective. By taking care of yourself, it is likely that the urged to binge and purge would decrease. And when they do occur you would be in a better position to control these urges.

Taking care of yourself would also help physically, emotionally, rationally and spiritually. Some ways to take care of yourself are:

  • Eating healthy
  • Exercising moderately
  • Sleeping on time
  • Talking out your issues with someone

These ways would help in avoiding binging and purging and make it easier for you to regain control and recover completely.

4)Avoiding triggers

For someone to let go of this habit or disorder of binging/purging, they need to identify the triggers and circumstances that make them indulge. Some people are said to believe that seeing a mirror triggers them to purge. In this situation it would be ideal to cover mirrors and try not to look without a reason.

Although this would not be a temporary solution but it would help lessen the trigger and provide as an effective way to fight the urge. Stress might be one of the biggest trigger to cause an episode of binging/purging. Other than that, emotions like loneliness, anxiety, getting bored might also trigger a person to binge/purge.

5)Planning for the future

Consistency, along with planning ahead, are two effective ways to avoid binging and purging. Many people find this to be helpful in recovery. Planning for meals beforehand would also prevent you from getting too hungry or stressful after meal times.

Planning ahead also helps anticipating and preparing for any triggers that you are unable to avoid.


Binging and purging are well recognized with the mental health system. Typically people who binge or purge are referred to a doctor to help manage their symptoms and recover easily.

Binging and purging might be seen as addictive problems, but they are not just addictive problems, but serious health conditions. The symptoms of these problems are a danger to life. They decrease the quality of life and make people more prone to anxiety, depression, stress, mental trauma and also suicidal thoughts.

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