Vulnerable Narcissistic Abuse

Vulnerable Narcissism: 8 terrible effects of Vulnerable Narcissistic Abuse

It is quite difficult to identify an abuse. As, physical abuse often leaves scars and bruises but psychological abuse has no face. Therefore, it would be quite difficult for others to identify a mental abuse such as vulnerable narcissistic abuse. Similarly, it might become extremely difficult to recognize an abuse by the victim itself.

However, this a reality that this kind of abuse badly affects one’s long term physical and mental health. For instance: they might suffer from depression, anxiety or social isolation.

If you are also suffering from this situation then, keep reading as we would discuss most common effects of Vulnerable Narcissistic Abuse and their remedy .And you can handle this situation with sensibility and follow the path of recovery by acting on this remedy.

Effects of Vulnerable Narcissistic Abuse

1.    Isolation & Loneliness

Isolation and loneliness are two most common effects of vulnerable narcissistic abuse. Numerous studies have revealed that survivors need ample amount of time to recover from this precarious situation.

These symptoms can lead to self-isolation in some cases. Other symptoms that may contribute to self-isolation include:

  • Avoidance of reminders of the traumatic event
  • Hyper vigilance to a perceived threat
  • Irritability

Furthermore, person can also experience dangerous behaviors such as rage and malicious envy. Afterwards abuse survivors might also self-isolate themselves from others to protect themselves from extra dangers.

2.    Hopelessness

It is quite natural and usual to lose hope after suffering from an abusive relationship with a vulnerable narcissist .Since, these kinds of abusers try to strip you of your feeling of confidence, self-esteem, and life track.

3.    Paranoia

Paranoia is another serious side effect of the vulnerable narcissistic abuse and that alters the brain chemistry. As a result, it leads to feelings of distrust, hyper vigilant behaviors, and tense interactions. Moreover, the worries of infidelity and exploitation influences trust, while emotional agony increases anxiety and suspicion. Furthermore, Maladaptive thought process hinders perception of reality initiating feelings of constant paranoia.

4.    Insomnia

According to a research carried out by Sleep Foundation, the list of common reasons of insomnia includes anxiety, an uneven sleep schedule, poor sleeping habits, and numerous  mental health disorders caused by narcissistic abuse. For many people, a combination of these factors can initiate and exacerbate insomnia.’

According to the psychological experts, stress levels are quite high among people facing abuse from vulnerable narcissists and that causes Insomnia. Emotional abuse could really create conflict between body and mind

Emotional abuse (and other forms of abuse that come with narcissists) causes disharmony in your both your mind and body. Therefore, whenever you sleep at night in absence of external factors, your mind shifts into overdrive and all the thinking about what’s going on, or went on, in the connection, run wild across your mind. And you really cannot get rid of them immediately affecting your sleep.

5.    Shame

Shame is an emotion that the humans understand as a danger to their personality. Narcissistic abuse survivors showing such feeling mostly see themselves as failures and have damaging opinions about themselves. Here, this emotion could develop due to narcissistic family environments or due to close encounter with a narcissistic romantic friend. Vulnerable narcissistic blame their victim of lies and cause of all their serious problems. Furthermore, they sometimes also accuse their victims of sexual or mental abuse.

Also Read: 5 Fantastic Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Books

6.    Trust Issues

Vulnerable narcissistic abuse badly affect one’s trust levels and make difficult for them to form future relationships. In addition, it could also cause social anxiety and stress in the victim.

The abuse victim continuously wonders about the true intentions of people around them and that makes their lives miserable .Moreover, they might also doubt others for manipulations and exploitations. In addition to that, sometimes they become extra sensitive to criticism and become hyper vigilant.

Here, the trust issues affect different parts of victim’s life such as they feel difficult to form new romantic or personal relationships even with their close relatives. Furthermore, they continuously feel that people will certainly betray them someway or other.

7.    Depression

Depression is an automatic result of vulnerable narcissistic abuse. The persistent exploitation and emotional mayhem could leave victims feeling speechless and desperate. In addition, they might struggle to enjoy things they once liked in their past. On the other hand, they might also get a feeling of numbness and disconnection from their external environment.

Vulnerable narcissists might also may work to separate their victims from their family and colleagues, in a situation when they are deprived of a support system to ask for help.

Vulnerable narcissistic abuse can also play role in developing depression in various other ways. It could have a cumulative effect, gradually corroding a person’s sense of self-esteem and self-worth. Moreover, it could also create an environment in which depressing signs are permitted to develop freely, as the abuser may refuse to acknowledge them or make any attempt at providing support. Finally, such kind of abuse could also result in isolation of victims.

How to Recover from Vulnerable Narcissistic Abuse?

Getting back from vulnerable narcissistic abuse is a long term process and kind of a tough voyage, but it is quite probable. The first step of this journey starts with an acknowledgement things you have experienced were not your mistake. Here, it is better to seek a support from some experienced counsellor or therapist get a success on this path of healing. Finally, you have to keep in mind that you are really not alone. However, it is extremely important to get right support and resources for a speedy recovery.

While recovering from vulnerable narcissistic abuse is difficult but quite possible. Therefore, it is quite important to take necessary steps toward recovery like seeking help from right mental health provider, and focusing on your personal well-being.

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