Author: Ashra Abdul Razaq

  • The Guilt Trip: Weird things Covert Narcissists do to manipulate their partners

    The Guilt Trip: Weird things Covert Narcissists do to manipulate their partners

    Covert narcissists use the tactic of guilt-tripping to make their partner feel guilty for the things they never did. If you ever feel guilty of doing things you never did, the covert narcissist may manipulate you. Guilt-tripping is common among the weird things covert narcissists do to make their partner…

  • Narcissistic Supply: Weird things Covert Narcissists do to Feed Their Egos

    Narcissistic Supply: Weird things Covert Narcissists do to Feed Their Egos

    A narcissist’s need for affirmation and admiration is like fuel for their ego, and narcissistic supply is the fuel that keeps it going. To sustain their inflated feeling of self-importance and entitlement, narcissists engage in a type of psychological addiction known as narcissistic supply, in which they seek out and…

  • 7 Wonderful Benefits of the Community Grief Counseling Near Me

    7 Wonderful Benefits of the Community Grief Counseling Near Me

      Imagine a support service that possesses the ability to comprehend the universally recognized language of sorrow experienced at the loss of a significant entity, as well as the distinct manner in which your particular community articulates and manifests such anguish. This form of counselling adheres to the idea that…

  • Unlocking the dreamscapes: 10 unique oneirogenic substances

    Unlocking the dreamscapes: 10 unique oneirogenic substances

      Enter the enigmatic world of dreams, where the subconscious mind rules and reality is bent. Imagine a world where you may explore the deepest depths of your mind, confront your anxieties, and even influence what happens next. This is the realm of oneirogens, an intriguing class of chemicals that…

  • 9 Effective Tactics to Expose a Narcissist Husband

    9 Effective Tactics to Expose a Narcissist Husband

      Having a partner with a personality disorder can be challenging. Think about being in a relationship with a narcissist and deciding between feeding your partner’s inflated sense of self-importance or dealing with the repercussions of making them feel irrelevant, marginalized, or neglected. It’s not easy to accept your own insignificance…

  • 9 things covert narcissists say to poison your mind

    9 things covert narcissists say to poison your mind

    If someone close to you has ever left you feeling emotionally exhausted, manipulated, and torn apart by their words and actions, you may be interacting with a covert narcissist. Imagine having a normal conversation with someone who initially seems compassionate and understanding but who leaves you feeling confused and emotionally…

  • 7 Weird things covert narcissists do at work

    7 Weird things covert narcissists do at work

    Have you ever experienced emotional exhaustion at work because of the actions of another person? Some of our colleagues may have peculiar personality traits that make it difficult to understand them and exhausting to work with them. They can’t possibly a narcissists since they are so reserved and shy, right?…

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